Radio Barbagia


Di Radio Barbagia

There are numerous types of online radios available in Italy, yet only a small number offer listeners the opportunity to delve into the realm of traditional Italian folk music. Radio Barbagia is among the top radios in its category, giving listeners the opportunity to explore Italy’s best Folk music.

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Born in 1977, Radio Sardinia is now one of the most significant realities in the world of radio on the island. Since its inception, it has believed that the combination of music and information is the perfect recipe to satisfy its vast audience, with columns in the Sardinian language and broadcasts dedicated to the island's folklore tradition.


Sito web:

Lingua: Italiano

Numero di contatto: +0784.36165 – 0784.36115

Indirizzo: 10 Piazza S. Maria Della Neve, Nuoro, NU 08100, Italia


91.9 MHz FM

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