Onda Radio Firenze


About Onda Radio Firenze

Onda Radio Firenze appears to be a web radio station based in Florence, Italy. It dedicated to playing Italian and international music from various decades. Onda Radio Firenze offers a variety of music, potentially including: Italian Pop, Italian Rock, Italian Canzone (traditional and modern)
and International Pop and Rock classics from past decades (50s to 2000s)

More Information

Onda Radio was founded in Bagno a Ripoli in southern Florence in 1983 by two friends, Gianni Fanucchi and Gianni Cocchi, at an amateur level. They later upgraded to music-only broadcasts with the slogan "Music and Relax" after acquiring a new frequency. The broadcaster operated until 1993 when the frequency was sold. In 2010, with the help of Massimiliano Marchi, Onda Radio returned to web radio with music free of Siae rights. They resumed their original 80s style with a mix of Italian and foreign music from various decades. Their schedule includes hits from the 50s through the 2000s, showcasing music that evokes emotions.


Website: www.ondaradiofirenze.com

Language: Italian

Email: ondaradiofirenze@gmail.com

Contact Number: +39 377 694 3682

Address: Bagno a Ripoli, Italy

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