Onde Quadre


About Onde Quadre

Onde Quadre is like a valuable resource for students at Politecnico di Torino, offering informative and entertaining programs. It broadcasting and communication are likely in Italian.

More Information

Onde Quadre is a student-run radio station at the Politecnico di Torino (Turin Polytechnic University). This radio programming likely caters to the student population, potentially including music shows with diverse genres, talk shows on topics relevant to students, like academics, careers, or campus life. Interviews with university faculty, guest speakers, or student organizations are also featured. Onde Quadre aims to be both informative and entertaining for students.


Website: ondequadre.polito.it

Language: Italian

Email: ondequadre@polito.it

Contact Number: +39 011 090 6614

Address: V. Pier Carlo Boggio 65/A, 10138, Torino, Italy

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Onde Quadre